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Clear Creek Constructs Updates

King-Murphy Mountain School, Clear Creek Middle/High School, and Georgetown Community School have completed Bond projects with close-out in progress, including a few remaining punchlist items.

  • King-Murphy Phase 1: Expanded Pre-K complete.

  • King-Murphy Phase 2: Construction related to environmental remediation, security, flooring, exterior, and furniture is complete. Close-out is in progress.

  • Clear Creek Middle/High School: Construction work related to security, the Gymnasium floor re-finishing, and the athletic field lighting is complete. Close-out is in progress.

  • Georgetown Phase 1: Roof complete

  • Georgetown Phase 2: Construction related to abatement, new hot food/serving kitchen, flooring, and exterior work is complete. The new kitchen opened to students in September, serving both breakfast and lunch! Close-out is in progress.

The Bond project in active construction is at Building 103. Abatement is complete. Roofing work is wrapping-up, in advance of winter. Demo and construction has begun and long lead items are being released. A guaranteed maximum price (GMP) is being finalized for the full building work and is within the forecasted budget. Furniture design with the DOG is also progressing.

The above Summer 2023 construction projects completed at, or below, the amended budgets, as planned and forecasted. The overall Bond program continues to maintain a healthy reserve balance, currently being held for unknowns. The bottom-line dollar amount of the overall Bond has increased to over $41.4M, due to over $7M in premium as well as nearly $1.4M in interest earned!

Before and after photos from King-Murphy, the Middle/High School, and Georgetown Community School can be found on the new Clear Creek Constructs website. Additional information can also be found on the website:

Inside Building 103/New Elementary School

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