Family Resources » Principal's Message
Principal's Message
Hello Carlson Cougar Families,
Spring is here! Of course, this means that some days feel like winter, and some days feel like summer. More often, they feel like both; please dress children in layers.
CMAS Testing Starts Next Week
CMAS (Colorado Measures of Academic Success) is the state standardized assessment that we are required to give students in grades 3-6 every spring. Our testing window runs from 4/8 through 4/25. Students will take three sessions of English Language Arts, three sessions of math, and 5th grade will take three sessions of science. Please help your child be successful by ensuring they get a good night of sleep and healthy breakfast. You can read more about CMAS on the Colorado Department of Education website.
Next PTA & SAC Meeting
Our next PTA and School Accountability Committee meeting will be here at Carlson in the cafeteria on Thursday, 4/18 at 6:00 p.m. All are welcome. Please come join us!
Open Custodial Positions
We are looking for both a day and night custodian. If you or anyone you know is interested, please have them apply on the CCSD website.
Tours of the New Carlson Building
Each class is scheduled to tour our new building the week of May 20th. There will also be a tour at 6:00 p.m. the evening of Wednesday, 5/22 for our PTA. All parents are welcome.
JCMH School-Based Therapist
Our school-based therapist, Chelsea Hull, is moving. She has provided wonderful support for our students and staff over the past two years, and she will be greatly missed. Jefferson Center for Mental Health has hired Tasha Holtzman to replace her. She will start at Carlson the week of April 15. To support with the transition, or just to help if needed, Chelsea has provided a list of community mental health support services.
Lead Testing Information from CDPHE
Did you know that Clear Creek Public Health offers free lead blood testing? Read through this information letter if you’d like more information about their program.
Registration for Next Year
CCSD Registration is open for the next school year on our website, or you can click on this Registration Link.
Universal Preschool registration is open, too.
Happy learning,
Loraine Swartz
Principal, Carlson Elementary